Coping with Aging Parents: How to Manage the Experience of Your Parents Getting Older

The hardest part of growing up is realizing your parents are growing old.” – Ptr. Alex Garcia.

Realizing our parents are aging can hit hard. We spend our youth seeing them as superheroes, only to wake up one day and realize they aren’t invincible.

However, this milestone is about stepping into a new role: becoming a source of support for the one who’s always been there for you. Don’t dwell on this time or worry about your aging parents, but rather work hard to help make their days filled with love, comfort, and cherished moments.

Whether you’re on a mission to help your elderly parents live their life to the fullest or are looking for a way to accept your parents’ aging, this article is for you. 

Below, we’ve listed five actions you can take with your parents to help you better manage the experience that aging presents. 

5 Ways To Navigate Your Parents’ Aging Journey

An infographic titled “5 Ways to manage the experience of your parents getting older” with the ways being “Preserve Loving Memories, Volunteer Together, Complete regular check-ins, help them with technology, and get in-home caregiving support”

The following are things you can do to better support your loved one during their aging process so you can continue creating lasting memories. 

1. Preserve Loving Memories

One of the best ways to preserve loving memories is by creating a memory book, scrapbook, or digital album. 

Collecting photographs, letters, or other sentimental objects can spark heartwarming conversations about past memories. Your parents may recount tales from their childhood, sharing memories and experiences that bring their history to life. 

It’s a chance for you to see them in another light, beyond their roles as parents, learning more about their life dreams, adventures, and experiences that made them who they are today.

Additionally, preserving memories will provide you with a keepsake that you can pass onto future generations.

2. Volunteer Together

As individuals grow older and begin to retire, they may feel they have lost purpose or are just meandering through life. When you’re already facing the harsh reality of them growing old, the last thing you want is for them to feel unfulfilled.

It’s important that they continue finding ways to keep physically and mentally active and continue fostering a connection with the community. 

And what better way to help your older parent reconnect with their purpose in life than by volunteering together! 

Through shared volunteer experiences, you not only make a positive impact on the community but strengthen your bond in a meaningful way.

To find volunteer opportunities, check out the Government of Canada, GoVolunteer, or Volunteer Canada website.

3. Complete Regular Check-Ins 

Regular check-ins with aging loved ones are essential, especially when you consider these statistics from the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health:

  • Nearly one in five Canadians who are 65+ say they lack companionship
  • One-third of Canadians 65+ are at risk of being socially isolated

These statistics can put a lot of pressure on you as you may feel you need to stop your life to support theirs. However, if your elderly parent is struggling with isolation, lack of companionship, or other mental health issues, start doing weekly/monthly check-ins.

Designating specific times to spend together, whether through volunteering, shopping, or simply sharing quality time, can ensure your aging loved one feels valued and supported throughout their aging process.

4. Help Them With Technology 

Technology is advancing rapidly, and although it’s helping society move forward, it can be very overwhelming and stressful for many seniors. 

When helping your parent as they age, you can teach them how to use a computer or smartphone to help them stay on top of their finances, insurance, or connect with friends.

Helping them with their devices will build their confidence in using technology, enhancing their independence and ability to engage with the digital world. It’s a way to bridge the generational gap, fostering a sense of empowerment and adaptability as they navigate the complexities of modern systems.

If you don’t live near your aging parent, you can refer them to these senior technology resources: 

5. Get In-Home Caregiving Support

Caring for an elderly parent or family member can be physically and emotionally demanding.

If you feel like you are becoming your parents’ caregiver, it may be time to seek additional support from a certified primary caregiver.

That’s where in-home personal care support can come in handy. 

In-home care offers aging individuals personalized assistance while allowing them to remain independent and make their own decisions in the familiar setting of their homes. 

This form of support is customizable, addressing specific needs such as help with daily activities, medication oversight, or companionship, tailored to each senior’s requirements.

Additionally, having a designated caregiver for your parents allows you to spend more time doing things like playing cribbage, baking cookies, or simply spending well-deserved time connecting with your loved one.

Get In-Home Care Support With Ohana Care

A daughter hugging her aging parent.

We understand the challenges adult children face when trying to cope with aging parents.  

At Ohana Care, our caregivers provide personalized support to seniors so you can spend more quality time together.  

Whether your older parents need help with respite care, post-hospital care, foot care, or anything in between, including dementia and Alzheimer’s disease support, we’re here for you. 

With the help of our dedicated team, family caregivers can take a break and spend more quality time with loved ones while knowing their parents are getting quality day-to-day support. 

Contact us today to learn how our services can help create enriching experiences for you and your loved one so you can better manage the experience of your parents getting older.

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