End Of Life Comfort Care / Palliative Care

It is an honour and privilege to be present and caring for someone in their process of letting go of life. As a family member, just being with your loved one is one of the best ways to offer comfort.

About Our Palliative Care Program

Our palliative care team strives to prioritize the comfort and quality of life of your loved one. Our hospice services address physical symptoms, spiritual concerns, and provide social support. We take great care to provide palliative patients with companionship and aid to their personal care - whether that means helping your loved one with errands, laundry, food preparation, medication, or even emotional and spiritual support.

Why Choose Us?

Our approach is based on compassion, gentleness and calmness. We recognize that each life is unique and requires individualized care. As specially trained caregivers, we know the changes that will occur over the last weeks of life and that there are many ways to provide support for your loved one and your family.

As your loved one nears death, you may notice that he/she sleeps longer, has less energy, eats less or withdraws from family and friends. This is normal and necessary to the dying process. Talk to your health care provider and initiate comfort care with the options that are available to you. We are here for you to listen and explain the care process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Take guidance from your own experience with the person since you know them best – be their advocate. Be there if possible, chatting, laughing to ease tension and bring you closer together. Silence can also be a powerful way of communicating when words can't be found.

Our nurses will be glad to help by demonstrating physical care.

  • Longer sleeping periods
  • Will commonly have reduced or absent hunger and/or thirst
  • For some persons, confusion and restlessness can occur
  • Breathing changes
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control or constipation
  • Chest Congestion
  • Skin color and temperature changes
  • Muscle twitching
  • Eyes may become dry and lose their ability to focus
  • Elevated temperature is common
  • Pain which requires symptom management as stated or by visibly noticing agitation or furrowed brow.

These are changes that nurses anticipate and know how to intervene with comfort measures: for example, oral care, bed bath, incontinence care, positioning, skin care, sips of fluids if they can swallow, monitoring vital signs, eye care, safety measures if agitation is an issue.

Talk about ordinary things that are going on in your life, happy memories, say thank you, I love you, I'm sorry, then be quiet, forgive me, if you wish. Listen attentively.

Be kind to yourself so you can be there fully when you are able. It's ok to make some boundaries and accept that you are not perfect.

Fear of saying the wrong thing, fear of breaking down and crying, fear of the unknown.

Get the Home Care You Deserve

If you or one of your family members require palliative/end of life care services, contact us by filling out the contact form below. We will reach out to you as soon as possible to book your free caring consultation and set up your care plan. We can't wait to hear from you!

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