Vyetta, Evie and Maria In-Home Care Story

Choosing a home care provider comes with multiple challenges. First and foremost, your loved one may be hesitant to get help. Second is removing the guilt you may feel in not caring for them yourself. And lastly, placing your trust in someone else to take on this important role.

In this video, you will hear how Vyetta and Evie together choose to receive help from Ohana Care. How their relationship with the caregiver has become more like an extension of their family. And lastly, how this also improves your own relationship with your loved ones. Without providing the duties of a caregiver, you, in turn, have quality time back with them.


Video Transcript

Vyette S.:

My mother is wanting to live independently and that’s something that we have committed to as a family. It’s very important to her and it’s very important to me that she have the care that she need to allow that.

Evie M.:

Well it’s a home. My home. I try to be healthy, and you need a home to survive and to do things. I don’t do much personally, but I could read, I could talk, and Maria is there all the time.

Vyette S.:

Mom and I made the Ohana Care decision together. First of all, when we called the office to inquire about care, we got an immediate, very positive response. Somebody from the office came out to meet with us. The fact that Ohana Care is not a franchise organization really appealed to us. It gave comfort in knowing that there was not a franchise fee that was payable, hence giving the opportunity to pay the care giver more. And we also felt that it provided an opportunity to customize care as we needed it or wanted it.

Evie M.:

She’s a nice person, she’s a caring person. If I have company, she treats them right. We just like to live like human being. You have to care.

Vyette S.:

Maria, she just fit from day one. You could just tell that she was committed. She’s so careful and so compassionate with mom.

Maria O.:

It’s nurturing a relationship, like friends. And sometimes she say, “You know, my feeling with you like it’s like you’re my sister, my little sister.” And I say, “Oh Evie, thank you.” Now I have a new family. That’s good for me. That’s formidable. She’s great.

Vyette S.:

Maria is an excellent cook, provides my mom with fresh home cooked meals and from scratch. She does great, great lunches. She does some really interesting dinners and goes out of her way to provide my mom with a lot of variety. When you’re my mother’s age, you’re not always very excited about eating and Maria just puts out a beautiful plate and also makes sure that my mom is really well hydrated.

Maria O.:

I want to help, and I like very well this profession. For me it’s fantastic working with the senior people. The time I can spend for somebody, really need the companionship and I like work with my heart and my feelings. For me, every client like my mom. Just, I don’t have mom anymore but yes, I have. Every time I can spend time with my client, I have a mom.

Evie M.:

Well, she’s here to look after me, but she’s just comfortable. She’s a good worker. She is good at everything.

Vyette S.:

I think there’s very difficult decisions to be made when it comes to private home care for elderly parents. I really do think that Ohana Care is different. It has been a positive relationship for us. She’s had a really, really interesting life and it’s important that at this age that we make every effort to give her the best care that we can.


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