Everything you Need to Know about Diabetes and Foot Care

How are Diabetes and Foot Care related?

One complication associated with diabetes is high blood sugar levels, which can cause many issues in your body. For example, high blood sugar over a prolonged amount of time will damage your blood vessels. This damage can cause your organs to not function properly. And, your nerves can begin to fail, specifically the nerves in your feet are of concern. Diabetes and foot care have an undeniable link.

“Nerve damage or diabetic peripheral neuropathy is one of the long-term complications of diabetes.” – Diabetes Canada

As a result, people with diabetes often lose sensitivity in their feet. Meaning there is not the same kind of pain indicators to help alert you to an injury on your feet. For example, you may not notice a blister forming or a crack in your heel from dry skin. This makes people with diabetes susceptible to overlooking an injury that could lead to potential infection. If left untreated, even a tiny cut or poke could pose a serious threat to your well being when you have diabetes. Especially because Diabetes could also cause poor circulation, thus making healing slower and the risk of infection higher.

How to Maintain Proper Foot Care with Diabetes

We recommend following these easy tips for to ensure you are always protecting and maintaining good health for your feet.

  • Wear Slippers

    Ensure you always have slippers on when you are at home, even if you have carpet. They will add a small layer of protection for your feet.

  • Have Proper Fitting Shoes

    Make sure all your footwear fits properly, especially those that you wear outside the house. Pressure from shoes that are too tight could cause blisters.

  • Check Feet Daily

    If you aren’t as bendy as you used to be, you can get a mirror with an extended handle that will help you to see the bottom of your feet.

  • Wear Footwear with Arch Support

    Make sure that you have proper arch support to even out the pressure points in your feet. This reduces the chance of having corns or callouses.

  • Moisturize your Feet

    Make sure that you moisturize your feet regularly, especially your heels, to prevent them from cracking. Cracks could develop into a skin opening for infections.
    Note: don’t moisturize between your toes as moisture in this area can cause fungal infections.

  • Wear Water Shoes

    When swimming in public pools make sure you always wear water shoes to mitigate the risk of getting injured when you step on rough surfaces.

  • Trim your Toenails

    Making sure your toenails are trimmed properly on a regular basis by a podiatrist or foot care nurse.


  • It is always recommended that you check with your family doctor or podiatrist when you have any concerns with your feet, especially if you have diabetes.
  • A licensed foot care nurse can also be your next best resource, learn more about Foot Care Services for seniors offered by Ohana Care.
  • Ask your pharmacist or physician if you have questions about Diabetes and foot care.
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