Are retirement communities and care homes a permanent solution to a temporary problem?

Care Home vs Home Care – Which is better for a temporary problem?

When you have a senior in your life, you may need to evaluate care home vs home care when a sudden injury or treatment occurs. Home Care allows a senior to remain in their home and continue living independently. The best aspect of Home Care is staying in your home. In contrast, retirement communities require a senior to leave their home. When a senior has an injury or a treatment that requires extra help for a short time, do they need to move? Ask yourself if they truly need to uproot themselves. These temporary problems may be solved with a home caregiver.

After An Injury

Caregivers assist with activities of daily living (ADL) as a senior recovers from an injury. Family may worry about a senior’s wellness as they return home after an injury. Occasionally, that worry sometimes translates into a conversation about the parent moving out of their home. It is admirable to express concern about a loved one’s wellness. Unfortunately, these situations are stressful. They can lead to emotion-based decisions which result in permanent solutions. When a younger adult gets injured, people don’t question their ability to remain in their homes. In contrast, when a senior gets injured, it is a different story. As a result, if seniors move to a facility, they lose their home, car and memories. Regardless if their injury heals and they recover completely. In other words, think about this: a retirement community move is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

During Aggressive Medical Treatments

Some medical procedures really take a toll on the body. For example, treatments result in extreme fatigue, nausea, incontinence, dizziness and more. Hospitals retain patients for a short time and families can be left to scramble to find assistance. Some care homes offer temporary respite care for these circumstances. However, families and seniors can opt for services in their homes. This option ensures seniors have a qualified person that assists them with their needs. With a home caregiver, seniors can try recovery in the comfort and peace of their own home. This temporary solution gives the senior, their family and the medical team time to assess whether a transition is needed through follow-ups and discussions.

Benefits of Home Care over moving:

  • A temporary issue gets a temporary solution
  • Gives seniors a choice
  • Opens a low-pressure discussion within the family
  • Compliments current services and social supports
  • More affordable than a care facility in most cases
  • Seniors can take more time to transition. They can pack properly and distribute belongings

Consider these things before you decide on facility placement:

  • The seniors’ preference!
  • Cost of short term Home Care vs cost of facility rent for the medium and long term
  • Medical team recommendations
  • The permanent effects of the current situation and how it will impede independence in the next years

To learn more, visit Home Care Services or contact us.

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