Personal Care Services

Helping loved ones with the activities of daily living provides a sense of pride, purpose, and the confidence we all need to feel to be happy and healthy. Let Ohana Care help with these services so you can focus on your relationship with your loved one.

Best Friends Approach Care

The companion takes the time to enjoy the good times and address any non-medical needs such as the need to feel heard, to belong, to be themselves, to express their uniqueness.

Ohana Care uses the Best Friends Approach with all its home care clients. Our trained companions come to you, our beloved clients, wherever you are in the city and the surrounding areas. Our approach focuses on positive interactions that enhance all dimensions of wellness.

How does it work to hire a Companion Care Professional with Ohana?


Call or Email Us

Reach out to us and we will get back to you on the same day.


Meet a Community Manager

We assess your health care needs and discuss how we can help.


Get Paired with a HCA or LPN

We base it on location, needs, and personal preferences.

Companion Care Intake Process

When possible, we will send you the form electronically before meeting you so you can start filling out the information and we can focus on what matters to you during our meeting. The intake form is quite comprehensive, but you only need to share what you are comfortable sharing with us. Clients that are completely independent, the more information we have, the better we can pair you with a companion, or teach new skills to a companion. 

Questions are divided in different categories:


Sleeping patterns (naps), activity levels, favourite hobbies, meal times, smoking.


Medication, allergies, appointments, side effects, mobility devices, aids, etc.




Best days, schedule, other services (laundry, errands, meal preparation, etc.)

Personalized Companion Care

Intellectual ActivitiesIntellectual Activities

Intellectual Wellness

Stimulation through games, readings, or purposeful conversations. This is particularly important for seniors with cognitive decline (Alzheimer, dementia, strokes, Parkinson’s, and more) to not only maintain their current knowledge, but also build new connections in their brains to remain independent longer.

  • Puzzles, word games, trivia
  • Reading a magazine/book and discuss the content, ask questions about the text
  • Discussions on topics of interest, current news
Emotional ActivitiesEmotional Activities

Emotional Wellness

Feel-good activities based on a person’s past and present interests. These activities can give a sense of purpose, encourage a trip down memory lane, help reduce anxiety by living in the moment, and encourage laughter.

  • Baking, cooking, crafts, journals, knitting
  • Singing, dancing, listening to music, playing an instrument
  • Volunteering (Ohana can find opportunities in the community)
Social ActivitiesSocial Activities

Social Wellness

Activities that reduce boredom and loneliness, done with one or more individual. These activities can be done at home or out in the community. These are “looking forward to” events encouraging seniors to present themselves at their best. Social activities typically enhance cognitive and emotional wellness as well!

  • Community event, leagues, dances
  • Social board and card games
  • Support groups, outings, church groups, church services
Physical ActivitiesPhysical Activities

Physical Wellness

Physical fitness is often overlooked due to risks and pain. Just keep in mind, if you don’t use it, you lose it! Physical wellness goes beyond the exercises: it also includes healthy eating habits, hydration, skin care, and more. Staying active can be done at any levels, and our team has tons of fun ideas to keep moving without dreading exercises!

  • Walking, standard exercise programs
  • Active games, adapted sports
  • Healthy cooking, meal/snack planning
  • Hand massage, beauty corner

Who can benefit from Companion Care?

A Senior Living in a Memory Care Unit
Leaving the unit with a trusted companion, the companion taking the senior to and from facility activities, going for walks outside at their own pace, medical appointments, extra stimulation, check-ins to reassure family.

A Senior Living Alone
Daily check-ins, help around the house, company, driver to go to social activities, errands, regular home risk assessments, presence when contractors come in (electricians, plumbers, landscape, etc.), help with technology, assistance with activities of daily living, accompaniment to medical appointments.

A Senior Living with Dementia/Alzheimer Living with Their Spouse
Respite for the primary caregiver, intellectual stimulation, companionship during social activities, help around the house, guidance for the senior living with dementia to assist with chores, transportation to and from a day program.

A Senior Returning from the Hospital
checks, reassurance for family members, safety for the senior, help going to and from washroom, exercises prescribed by the rehab team.

Adults with Disabilities
to appointments or day program, companionship to stimulate and decrease boredom.



To the outside world, it looks like two friends or a senior and their child/grandchild having a good time. Since our caregivers and companions don’t wear a uniform, you would probably not be able to identify our staff when out in the community.

To the family, a companion is a partner in caring for their loved one. The companion can report to the family when they identify unmet needs or have ideas on how to improve their lives.

To the client, a companion is an ally in their goal of keeping their independence, a confidant, a friend they can rely on. The companion and the clients can form strong bonds based on their experiences together and the obstacles they overcome together.

Unlike most companies, Ohana Care companions wear their regular clothes while on duty. This is to provide more discretion to our clients who need extra support out in the community and gives them the ability to dress for the occasion to fit in as much as possible while ensuring their client has a great experience.

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