We understand the concern associated with the rising positive cases of COVID-19, but we want you to rest assured that Ohana Care is diligent in following the best safety practices and we are dedicated to the healthier lives of our customers and employees.

Dear Client,

We want to express that as always; the health and wellness of our clients is our top priority. Therefore, we wanted to provide you with an update on the steps we are taking at Ohana Care with regards to COVID-19 and how we are keeping both our clients and staff safe.

We are taking the following additional precautions to ensure safety and prevention of the coronavirus.

  • Our Staff has been advised of the enhanced procedures that we are taking, such as increased frequency of hand washing with soap, making sure to use hand sanitizer often, COVID testing, quarantine for those that have travelled (regardless of a negative test result), and that they are to stay home if they are feeling unwell.

  • Our staff perform a mandatory COVID-19 screening assessment before each visit through our industry leading software from AlayaCare

  • We are in regular contact with all site managers at facilities to partner with their efforts to keep their residents safe by following all extra precautions put in place so that we may continue to provide essential services for our clients.

  • Similarly, Home Care clients can expect our staff to provide their care as scheduled while taking all the necessary extra steps and recommendations to ensure their safety.

  • The Ohana Care office and common areas are being thoroughly cleaned on an increased schedule. The office staff is rotating shifts to maintain a social distancing environment.

Special Notice about Foot Care

Please note that foot care is a Nursing Service that maintains overall health for seniors with diabetes, wounds, fungal infection, ingrown toenails (tear in skin), and other complex health needs. These services tend to require close contact, but the risks of infection and complications are higher than if we were to maintain social isolation.

To mitigate concerns, we are assigning one nurse per site and ensuring daily they have no cough, sneezes, fever, or any such symptoms of COVID-19. Our nurses are registered with the CPLNA and work under their license, meaning they are bound to professional standards above and beyond Ohana Care’s policies. Should you prefer that our nurse doesn’t visit your loved one, please speak to the nursing team in the facility and let us know that the care team is also preferring that we postpone the visit.

Additional guidelines from the Canadian Government and Alberta Health Services have been employed throughout our company and Ohana Care will continue to provide safe care services to our clients during this time. We will continue to monitor the situation as it evolves and adapt our operations as necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns about our services, please contact us at 403-917-1771 or by email at hello@ohanacare.ca.

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